WFU Department of Physics Wake Forest University


Wake Forest Physics
Nationally recognized for teaching excellence;
internationally respected for research advances;
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WFU Physics Colloquium

TITLE: Negative Energy Density in Quantum Field Theory

SPEAKER: Professor Lawrence H. Ford,

Department of Physics & Astronomy,
Tufts University

TIME: Wednesday January 18, 2012 at 4:00 PM

PLACE: Room 101 Olin Physical Laboratory

Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM in the Olin Lounge. All interested persons are cordially invited to attend.


In classical physics, both the local energy density and the total energy of matter fields is positive. The situation is different in quantum field theory, where local negative energy densities can occur. This talk will discuss how negative energy can occur and some of its implications. No prior knowledge of quantum field theory is assumed. Unrestricted negative energy would lead to very dramatic effects such as violations of the second law of thermodyanamics and the ability to construct time machines. These effects will be discussed, and their likelihood will be critically examined.

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100 Olin Physical Laboratory
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7507
Phone: (336) 758-5337, FAX: (336) 758-6142