Congratulations Oana Jurchescu

Congratulations to Professor Oana Jurchescu for being awarded the 2022 George B. Pegram prize from the Southeastern Section of the American Physics Society (SESAPS). The award is in recognition of her excellence in teaching physics in the Southeast US. The award citation reads:
For her exceptional mentorship of students in physics and service in the teaching of physics. Prof. Jurchescu has mentored multiple students on to physics careers, many of which have been recognized through the receipt of awards and fellowships of the highest caliber. This mentorship includes students both in and outside of her home institution and we also recognize her success in the mentoring and promotion of women and underrepresented students in physics. For her excellence in teaching, Prof. Jurchescu has been recognized multiple times by her home institution, at both the departmental and university levels.
The award will be bestowed upon Prof. Jurchescu during the 89th Annual Meeting of the SESAPS, November 3-5, 2022. You can read more about the history of the award at: