Faculty & Staff
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Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro
Department Chair, Professor of Physics and Harbert Family Distinguished Chair for Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship
Experimental and some computational biophysics, nitric oxide, hemoglobin and other heme proteins, blood flow, and Sickle cell and other cardiovascular diseases
208 Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 216 Olin Physical Laboratory

Martin Guthold
Professor of Physics, Associate Chair
Atomic force and fluorescence microscopy of biological samples, and mechanical properties of biological fibers and molecules
Office: 302 Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 213 Olin Physical Laboratory

Keith Bonin
Professor of Physics and Richard T. Williams Faculty Chair in Physics
Optics, biophysics, and microscopy
Office: 310 Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 200 Olin Physical Laboratory

Fred Salsbury
Physics Graduate Program Director, Professor of Physics and Scott Family Fellow
Computational and theoretical biophysics, molecular physics, and drug discovery
301A Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 305B Olin Physical Laboratory

Paul Anderson
Professor of Physics and MacDonough Family Fellow
General relativity, quantum field theory, and cosmology
308 Olin Physical Laboratory

Alejandro Cárdenas-Avendaño
Assistant Professor of Physics (Starting Fall 2025)
Theoretical and computational astrophysics, gravitational waves produced by extreme mass-ratio inspirals, black hole photon rings, and tests of general relativity
Olin Physical Laboratory

Eric D. Carlson
Associate Professor of Physics

David Carroll
Professor of Physics
Nanostructures, low-dimensional systems, biotechnology, and microscopy
Office: 108A Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: Nanotechnology Center

Sam Cho
Associate Professor and Shively Family Faculty Fellow
Computational biophysics, protein and RNA folding, biomolecular assembly, molecular machines, and GPU-based programming
301B Olin Physical Laboratory | Manchester 228

Greg Cook
Associate Professor of Physics and ZSR Foundation Fellow
Theoretical and computational general relativity, gravitational waves produced by black-hole and neutron-star binaries, and high-accuracy modeling of black holes
304 Olin Physical Laboratory

Natalie A. W. Holzwarth
Professor of Physics
Theoretical solid state physics, computer simulations of electronic and structural properties of solids
300 Olin Physical Laboratory

Emilie Huffman
Assistant Professor of Physics (Starting Fall 2025)

Oana D. Jurchescu
Baker Physics Professor
Experimental condensed matter physics, organic and flexible electronics
217 Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 209B Olin Physical Laboratory

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Assistant Professor of Physics
Experimental condensed matter physics
212 Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 209A Olin Physical Laboratory

Jed Macosko
Professor of Physics
Mechanics of protein machines
Office: 215 Olin Physical Laboratory | Lab: 213 Olin Physical Laboratory

Melissa Pashayan
Visiting Assistant Professor

Timo Thonhauser
Wright Family Professor of Physics and Director of Center for Functional Materials
Theoretical and computational condensed matter physics
303A Olin Physical Laboratory

Stephen M. Winter
Assistant Professor of Physics
Research Faculty

Stephen Baker
Research Assistant Professor

William C. Kerr
Research Professor and Emeritus Professor
Theoretical solid state and statistical physics, computer simulation studies of phase transitions, and soliton effects in condensed matter
216 Olin Physical Laboratory

George Holzwarth
Research Professor and Emeritus Professor

Rick Matthews
Research Professor of Physics
Condensed matter physics and physics education

K. Burak Üçer
Research Associate Professor
Ultrafast laser physics and spectroscopy, optical materials
305D Olin Physical Laboratory

Howard W. Shields
Research Professor of Physics
Solid state physics, biophysics, electron spin resonance studies in irradiated organic solids of biological interest, high temperature superconductors, and structural phase changes
Affiliate and Adjunct Faculty

J. Daniel Bourland
Professor of Radiation Oncology and Biomedical Engineering

Erin Henslee
Assistant Professor of Engineering
Red blood cell electrophysiology, cell separation and patterning, and understanding electrophysiological parameters
455 Vine Street, Bldg 60 South, Room 4511

Lauren E. L. Lowman
Assistant Professor of Engineering
Land-atmosphere interactions, hydrometeorology, ecohydrology, remote sensing, fluid dynamics, numerical, and statistical modeling
Wake Downtown 4509

Michael Munley
Professor of Radiation Oncology and Biomedical Engineering
Radiosurgery, lung neoplasms, brain neoplasms, radiotherapy planning, computer-assisted, and trigeminal neuralgia
Wake Forest School of Medicine

Adam R. Hall
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Basic and applied nanobiotechnology
Wake Forest School of Medicine

Research Associates

Angika Bulbul
Postdoctoral Fellow
Optical imaging and quantum optics, incoherent synthetic aperture, digital holography, diffractive optics, classical optics, biomedical optics, optical computing, and image processing
200 Olin Physical Laboratory
- Ph.D. Summa cum Laude
- Jointly supervised in collaboration by Prof. Keith Bonin and Dr. Ajay Kandada
- Publications
- Website

Eric Chapman
Instructional Resources Manager
Theoretical and computational condensed matter physics
110 Olin Physical Laboratory

Heather Chapman
Grants & Contracts Manager

Bob Morris
Laboratory Technician
112 Olin Physical Laboratory