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Awards Received by Faculty, Staff and Students

September 2022

Professor Paul Anderson has been named a MacDonough Family Faculty Fellow.  The Wake Forest Faculty Fellowship program is a program of financial support designed to honor the University’s best teacher-scholars.

Nick Corak

In June 2022, Nick Corak received a Graduate Student Research Fellowship from the North Carolina Sea Grant and North Carolina Space Grant which is jointly sponsored by NASA and NOAA.  Nick is currently a graduate student in Physics working with Professor Lauren Lowman in Engineering.  He previously obtained MA degrees in Education and Mathematics from WFU.  His undergraduate work was at UNC, Willimington.  His research will involve making on the ground measurements related to vegetation density in the southeastern and Outer Banks regions of North Carolina.  These will be compared with estimates made from satellite data with the goal of providing a correction factor to the satellite data.

The following Awards were presented at our Annual Physics Department Awards Ceremony in May:

Jack Dostal received the Excellence in Teaching Award
Heather Chapman received the Physics Department Outstanding Service Award.
Tim Carlson
Vince Siggia

Timothy Carlson And Vincent Siggia were co-reciepients of the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.

Matthew Waldrip Received the Outstanding Graduate Research Award

Matthew Waldrip
Nouf Alharbi
Gabriel Marcus
Matthew Waldrip

Nouf Alharbi, Gabriel Marcus, and Matthew Waldrip were co-recipients of the Peer Mentor Award.

Rich Pope
Will Caulkins

Richard Pope and William Caulkins were co-recipients of the Speas Award.

Zhiyu Feng
Rich Pope
Caleb Sawyer
Archie Wallis

Zhiyu Feng, Rich Pope, Caleb Sawyer, and Archie Wallis were co-recipients of the Major Field Tests Achievement Awards.
