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Undergraduate Courses:

PHY 109&LAstronomyDostal, J.M W F1:00 PM 1:50 PMOLIN 101, OLIN 105(L)
PHY 110&LIntroductory PhysicsHe, B.M W F9:00 AM 9:50 AM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 101, OLIN 105(L)
PHY 110&LIntroductory PhysicsBaker, S.T R12:30 PM 01:45 PM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 101, OLIN 105(L)
PHY113&LGeneral Physics IHe, B.M W F11:00 AM 11:50 AMOLIN 101, OLIN 104(L)
PHY113&LGeneral Physics IHe, B.T R11:00 AM 12:15 PM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 101, OLIN 104(L)
PHY113&LGeneral Physics IBargigia, I.M W F10:00 AM 10:50 AM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 107, OLIN 104(L)
PHY 114&LGeneral Physics IIKim-Shapiro, D.M W F12:00 PM 12:50 PM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 101, OLIN104(L)
PHY 114&LGeneral Physics IICho, S.T R9:30 AM 10:45 AM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 101, OLIN104(L)
PHY 114&LGeneral Physics IIHe, B.M W F10:00 AM 10:50 AM, Afternoon LabsOLIN 101, OLIN104(L)
PHY115The Physics of MusicDostal, J.T R11:00 AM 12:15 PM, 6:00 7:50 PMOLIN 103, OLIN 104(L)
PHY124&LGeneral Physics II HonorsMatthews, R.T R9:00 AM 10:50 AMOLIN 105
PHY 230ElectronicsJurchescu, O.M W09:00 AM 09:50 AMOLIN 107
PHY 262MechanicsSalsbury, F.M W F01:00 PM 01:50 PMOLIN 107
PHY 266Intermediate LaboratorySalsbury, F./Carroll, D.T02:00 PM 03:00 PMOLIN 103, OLIN 203(L)
PHY 301Physics SeminarHolzwarth, N.W03:00 PM 03:50 PMOLIN 101
PHY 307BiophysicsKim-Shapiro, D./Guthold, M.M W F10:00 AM 10:50 AMOLIN 105
PHY 325Biophysical MethodsKim-Shapiro, D./Guthold, M.R02:00 PM 03:50 PMOLIN 213
PHY 340Electricity and MagnetismCarroll, D.T R12:30 PM 01:45 PMOLIN 103
PHY 341Thermodynamics & Stat MechAnderson, P.M W F02:00 PM 02:50 PMOLIN 103, OLIN 105
PHY 344Quantum PhysicsAnderson, P.M W F09:00 AM 09:50 AMOLIN 102
PHY 354Introduction to Solid State PhysicsJurchescu, O.M W F11:00 AM 11:50 AM103
PHY 363Condensed Matter SeminarHolzwarth, N.R12:30 PM 01:45 PM102
PHY 391Quantum ComputingCaroll, D.T11:00 AM 12:00 PM107

Graduate Courses:

PHY 601Physics SeminarHolzwarth, N.R04:00 PM 05:00 PMOLIN 101
PHY 620Phys. of Biological MacromoleculesCho, S.T R12:30 PM 01:45 PMOLIN 107
PHY 637Analytical MechanicsCarroll, D.T R12:30 PM 01:45 PMOLIN 103
PHY 639Electricity and MagnetismCarroll, D.T R12:30 PM 01:45 PMOLIN 103
PHY 643Quantum PhysicsAnderson, P.MW F09:00 AM 09:50 AMOLIN 103 OLIN 105
PHY 661Biophysics SeminarBaker, S.TBATBATBA
PHY 663Condensed Matter SeminarHolzwarth, N./Thonhauser, T.TBATBATBA
PHY 711Classical Mechanics and MathemHolzwarth, N.MWF10:00 AM 10:50 AMOLIN 103
PHY 741Quantum MechanicsCarlson, E.MWF12:00 PM 12:50PMOLIN 103
PHY 771Radiological PhysicsDezarnTBATBATBA
PHY 774Physics of Mecial ImagingLipford, M.TBATBATBA
PHY 780General RelativityCarlson, EricT R9:00 - 10:15 AMTBA
PHY 791Thesis Research IAll Faculty
PHY 891Dissertation Research IAll Faculty
SCB 710Structural/Computational BioPhysicsSalsburyM3:30 PM 5:30 PMFoothills Brewing
