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Owen Ganter, WFU physics grad student, has been accepted to Los Alamos Computational Condensed Matter Summer School 2025. Congratulations Owen!
Prof. Raja Ghosh visits from NC State this week for colloquium. "Probing the Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Polarons and Excitons in Organic Materials" Join us! Olin 101 @ 4:00 3/27
Nick Corak, Ph.D. candidate, and Prof. Lauren Lowman publish article on Carolina wildfires.
Welcome Dr. Mark Roberson on Thursday @4:00 in Olin 101 for colloquium. Join us!
Prof. Erin Ratcliff visits from Georgia Tech for colloquium this week. Olin 101 @ 4:00. Join us!
Tomorrow, we welcome Prof. Katherine Albanese from WFU Department of Chemistry! Colloquium @ 4:00 in Olin 101.
To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Prof. Jurchescu hosts our physicists to share, reflect, and plan for the future.
This week we welcome Dr. Jingang Li from UC Berkeley for colloquium on Thursday, 2/6, @4:00 in Olin 101.