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This policy is to address posting of event flyers, advertisements, or other such related physical media within and immediately surrounding Olin Physical Laboratory. The purpose of the policy is to maintain the appearance and order of the building, promote sustainable practices, and centralize the dissemination of information.

Postings on the exterior walls of the building, sidewalks adjacent to the building, and exterior entryways are prohibited outside of Department of Physics official business approved by the Chair of the department. 

University groups wishing to post announcements or advertisements are permitted one poster or flyer per event/announcement on the bulletin board located between the doorway of room 105 and the external door closest to the library. Groups may also seek permission to additionally post once per event/announcement on the bulletin boards located closest to the elevator on the first, second and third floors. This permission may only be granted by the Chair, Associate Chair, or academic coordinator of the department. All other postings are prohibited including the bulletin board across from the first floor restrooms, building walls, corridors or restroom stalls. Announcements or non-terminal statements will be removed after 4 weeks or at department discretion.

A shortened version of this policy shall be placed on or by each bulletin board in the building.