Polarons and excitons play a central role in the electronic, optical, and transport properties of molecular aggregates, thin films and crystals, semiconducting polymers, and hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors. In such π-conjugated systems, charged (polarons) and neutral (excitons) excitations are strongly coupled to the nuclear degrees of freedom, underscoring the importance …
Physics Colloquium: Towards Conceptual Understanding of Large Language Models with Prof. Fan Yang, WFU Department of Computer Science.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in understanding and generating human language, yet the internal mechanisms by which they encode semantic knowledge and conceptual structures remain largely opaque. In this …
Paul Anderson and Natalie Holzwarth have each spent approximately half of their lives as faculty members in the Wake Forest University Physics Department, and on July 1, 2025, both will transition from full Professor to Retired Research Professor positions. During the past short 35 + 41 years, much has happened within their respective …
Prof. Emilie Huffman will begin as Assistant Professor of physics at Wake Forest in Fall 2025. Currently, she is with the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada.
It is conjectured that continuous phase transitions exhibit an emergent conformal symmetry at criticality. Such a high degree of symmetry would strongly …