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Congratulations Emily Foley!

This summer, junior physics undergraduate student Emily Foley will be interning at Los Alamos National Laboratory through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program. She will contribute to a project involving the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a cutting edge […]

Links from “An Evening with Professor S. James Gates Jr.”

Delta-Phy Einsteinian Links

Congratulations Josiah Brinson!

Josiah Brinson, junior physics student at Wake Forest, will be conducting research this summer at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Optical Sciences Division, in Washington, DC. This opportunity is made possible by the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP). Josiah will be working in the […]

Congratulations Jarlem Lopez Morel!

Undergraduate researcher Jarlem Lopez Morel from the Jurchescu lab has been awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program fellowship to perform research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The 11 week NIST SURF Gaithersburg program will run from […]

Congratulations Stephen Baker

Professor Stephen Baker recently published an article in Communications Medicine titled “Plasma from patients with pulmonary embolism show aggregates that reduce after anticoagulation”. The intriguing background story behind this study can be accessed here. . Professor Baker’s study investigates the formation of blood […]

Congratulations Lindsey Gray

PhD student Lindsey Gray and Professor Dave Carroll have co-authored an Impact Article in MRS Bulletin. These are selected articles that are expected to have a high impact on materials research and society in general. The large entry cost of solar makes it unattainable for […]

Olivia Caulfield Receives Fulbright Award

Congratulations to physics undergraduate student Olivia Caulfield, who recently received the Fulbright Award! This summer Olivia will be working at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC on a project in the field of information security. She will be performing research in the laboratory […]

Congratulations Oana Jurchescu

Congratulations to Professor Oana Jurchescu for being awarded the 2022 George B. Pegram prize from the Southeastern Section of the American Physics Society (SESAPS). The award is in recognition of her excellence in teaching physics in the Southeast US. The award citation reads: For her […]

Congratulations Paul Anderson

Professor Paul Anderson is the newly-selected recipient of Wake Forest MacDonough Family Faculty Fellowships.  The Wake Forest Faculty Fellowship program is a program of financial support designed to honor the University’s best teacher-scholars.
